Announcing the release of CIL version 22.0.0

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Announcing the release of CIL version 22.0.0

Aug 4, 2022

The CIL development team is pleased to announce a new major release of CIL version 22.0.0 !

Binaries are available on the ccpi conda channel for Linux and Windows (MacOSX to follow), see below for installation instructions .

Below we list some highlights, but please check the release notes on GitHub for detailed information on version 22.0.0.

In the optimisation module, we added the ISTA algorithm, with an example of use compared with FISTA. We added strong convexity in TotalVariation and in the CCPi Regularisation plugin. An example of use can be found in the CIL-Demos repository.

On input/output, we updated the reader for Zeiss machines, which now supports cone/parallel beam, slicing, TXM Functionality. The Nikon reader also got updated, parsing the rotation axis tilt.

We merged the plugin for ASTRA from the CIL-ASTRA to CIL repository, which will simplify our life and hopefully also your experience.

Finally, we updated the documentation, with a better structure and more information and examples.

To start using it, install CIL and all plugins with: 

conda create --name cil -c conda-forge -c intel -c astra-toolbox -c ccpi cil=22.0.0 astra-toolbox tigre ccpi-regulariser tomophantom