CIL User Meeting 2024

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CIL User Meeting 2024

Dec 4, 2024

Thank you for a successful meeting!

We want to extend our thanks to everyone who joined us for the 2024 CIL User Meeting at the beginning of November. It was wonderful to welcome nearly 60 CIL users to RAL for a packed four days of activities.

  • Two parallel CIL training streams with an introductory course and an advanced track diving into some more detailed topics.
  • Fascinating user talks showcasing diverse applications and new work making use of CIL.
  • A town hall session and working group meeting to discuss the current state and get your input into the future direction of CIL.
  • A lively poster session with some fascinating research presented and lots of idea exchanged (plus some fantastic speedy lightning talks!).
  • Two days of productive hacking during the hackathon, where participants collaborated on a wide range of challenges – with some great results: several new PRs into CIL, some exciting showcase notebooks being developed, and new collaborations being forged.

CIL couldn’t exist without the enthusiasm, creativity, and feedback of its community. So we are grateful to everyone who contributed talks, posters, suggestions, code, and ideas to help shape the future of CIL.

Thank you for making the event such a success!

Photo highlights
Here’s what some of you said about the event…
What did you enjoy about the CIL training?

“Interesting topics, good presenters, fantastic notebooks and general organisational setup!”

“I enjoyed the use of Jupyter notebooks. Having different recommendations for demos allows everyone to go on their own pace. Loved it.”

Hands on walkthrough was very helpful explaining what everything is and why.

What did you enjoy about the user meeting?

Seeing the community you’ve successfully created around CIL, which looks to be thriving.

Listening to the range of inverse problems that can be tackled with the library.

Very good opportunity to network and problem solve.

What did you enjoy about the hackathon?

I liked discussing my problem with interested participants and members of the CIL team.

Seeing people struggle with the same stuff as me!!

In-person access to CIL team to answer any queries.

Meet new people on similar projects.