The CCPi Community Zenodo page is at:

A public Dropbox folder at:

Also some links in figshare from Portsmouth:-

ISIS Flagship data reference:

DOI 10.5286/ISIS.E.RB1820541  “Neutron TOF imaging phantom data to quantify hyperspectral reconstruction algorithms” 11-18 February 2019 Beamtime RB1820541

Second radiograph experiments 10 June 2019 IMAT data DOI:

Beamtime RB1920056 at the IMAT Beamline of the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Harwell, UK Can the second moment of the Bragg edge be resolved for neutron strain measurement? 18-21 November 2019


SparseBeads paper is published in Measurement Science and Technology’s Special Feature on Advanced X-ray Tomography:…As a reminder,

Sophia’s scripts at the link below.


Diamond Suvu test Nexus dataset:…

ISIS Neutron tomography data collected with MCP detector (soil specimen) data:

An external inititiative is at: “At the moment tomobank includes experimental and phantom raw projection data and a tomopy ( script to generate the reconstructed slices but, if you prefer, I can also add the full size reconstruction, just let me know ( ” Dr. Francesco De Carlo (APS)
