by Edoardo | Aug 8, 2022 | Dataset
The CCPi team has released on Zenodo a new dataset suitable for Digital Volume Correlation analysis, Description Dataset of synthetic magma subjected to compression, useful for Digital Volume Correlation analysis, ref [1,2]. The data has been acquired at the Diamond...
by Edoardo | Aug 4, 2022 | Uncategorised
The CIL development team is pleased to announce a new major release of CIL version 22.0.0 ! Binaries are available on the ccpi conda channel for Linux and Windows (MacOSX to follow), see below for installation instructions . Below we list some highlights, but please...
by Edoardo | Jul 15, 2022 | Conferences
Wonderful to be back at The University of Manchester last week for a brilliantly organised #dxct conference. Great talks and opportunity to catch up with collaborators from around the UK. Not least finally an almost complete reunion of the CCPi Core Imaging Library...
by Edoardo | Jun 17, 2022 | Misc
Some years ago, I broke my elbow, and a radiography of my aching limb was taken to reveal the small inner details of my bones, with my slightest discomfort. This marvel was possible because, in 1895 studying the effect of an electric discharge through a gas at low...